Our History


Mr. Harry Harakh (front right), his wife Pamela Harakh (front left), Sherman Delsol (back right) & Mr.Desmond DeBarros (back left)

Trips (1998 - 2000)

Trip 1
August 1 - 9, 1998
4 persons team, requiring funds for travel, domestic accommodation & travel and surgical supplies and small instruments. Unused supplies and small equipment were donated to the Hospital at the end of the trip. An initial 34 persons were seen at a prearranged clinic and of these, sixteen cleft lips and palate surgical procedures were performed. 14 children and 2 adults received these free reconstructive surgeries. The operating site was at the facilities of the St Joseph Mercy Hospital in Georgetown, Guyana. They also were responsible for advertising the proposed trip in the local press at their cost and asking interested persons to attend the clinic. Pictures and press acknowledgements were received.

Trip 2
August 13 - 20,1999
2 persons team. Initially, 40 persons were seen at a prearranged clinic and of these, seven cleft lips and palate surgical procedures were performed and five complex acid and flame burn victims received reconstructive grafting and other procedures. 10 children and 2 adults received these free reconstructive surgeries. The operating site (host) was at the Government run facility, Georgetown Public Hospital, Georgetown, Guyana. They were responsible for advertising the proposed trip in the local press at their cost and asking interested persons to attend the clinic. An idea was developed for us to assist in training the front line staff in burn and wound care techniques and another request for us to arrange with the Toronto Hospital For Sick Kids to have the Herbie fund sponsor a child for treatment not available in Guyana.

Trip 3
January 3 - 10, 2000
2 persons team. An initial 25 complex and very complex cases were seen at a prearranged clinic and of these, two cleft lips and palate surgical procedures were performed and seven very complex acid and flame burn victims received reconstructive grafting and other procedures Seven children and two adults received this free reconstructive surgery. The operating (host) site was at the Georgetown Public Hospital, Georgetown, Guyana. They prearranged the clinic above. We may have received some press acknowledgement and will investigate on our next visit. We commenced the training request by the preparation of a draft burn care manual, which will be presented on the next visit. The process to get the child to Sick Kids is underway and all parties are willing to participate to make it a reality. Further, the Dean of the Medical School at the University of Guyana is seeking our help in establishing a sub specialty in reconstructive surgery at the University and we will return with a proposal on our next trip

Trip 4
February 2000 - March 7, 2000
Dr. Sproule was part of a large Interplast (USA Charitable Group) Team. Dr. Sproule performed 59 cases himself out of the total caseload. These were primarily cleft lip & palate cases and were well received and successful.

Trip 5
August 1 - August 10, 2000
6 persons team. There were limitations working with larger groups of physicians from Canada, due to the unavailability of enough operating room facilities or support staff. The available time was allocated in a way that enabled one physician to depart early. Twenty-six patients received surgical care of which thirteen were burns; seven were cleft lip or palate and the rest severe bodily trauma for other reasons.

Teaching & Lectures

The medical team conducted various lectures and training sessions. Areas covered were:

  • Management of Acute Burns
  • Flap Surgery
  • Anesthesia techniques


An agreement of understanding was signed with the Chair and CEO of the Georgetown Public Hospital to develop a functional burn treatment program. The logistics were to be worked out at subsequent trips.

Trip # 5A: November 10-12, 2000
1 person. The purpose of this was a follow up to our Memorandum of Understanding and to convey to the hospital our commitment to see our goals attained. It was also to work with the hospital to determine the optimum site for the proposed burn care unit. The area proposed was on the upper level of the new wing, adjacent to the operating rooms and recovery area. The area was videoed and the commitment from the hospital to provide the space and other working details were recorded by way of a live interview. No site drawings were available to bring back. It was envisaged that the drawings were to form the basis for equipment sizing and configuration. The CEO committed to forward these as early as possible.

Further collaboration was initiated with the CEO for us to provide him access to the health care professionals in our Toronto hospitals. An invitation was extended by us with all ground expenses in Toronto bourne by a member of Plasticos.

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